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Dealership Content
(hover over video examples to play or click to view on Instagram)

Humanize Your Dealership

The chances of someone seeing an Instagram post and thinking "I need to buy this car" is zero. But there is a very good chance of someone getting to know and trust your staff, and enjoying your content, that they then think "when I decide to buy a car, I'll talk to these guys."


And that's where we come in......

Content Production Packages

We know that it's tough to create engaging content, on top of trying to sell cars and manage a dealership. That's why we've developed packages suited to fit your unique needs, and take care of this for you, making it as easy as you want it to be. We offer 3 turnkey and cost effective packages for keeping your social content fresh and meaningful for your business. As well as a completely custom solution that's built from the ground up. In each package we provide many types of videos, including:

  • Staff profiles

  • Customer stories

  • Model highlights

  • Brand history

  • Other local business spotlights

  • Event coverage

  • Maintenance and service tips

  • Festive/holiday

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